Feeling good is good for us

Happiness is often considered just a pleasant state of being, but science has shown that it is far more. Happiness has been linked to a host of physical health benefits, including increased longevity and a reduced risk of chronic diseases. So feeling good not only feels good, it is good. See references.

Matter was founded with a vision for a new way to help people live happier lives. By understanding how our brain experiences happiness, we are better equipped to take the actions we need to find happiness, stay happy, and make others around us happy. Learn more about Matter.

But feeling good isn’t always easy

We can all agree we want to have a rich and rewarding life. While there are many barriers, one of the key problems is that we live in a culture that celebrates material achievements more than personal growth. Despite the clear benefits of happiness, achieving and sustaining it isn’t always straightforward. We are flooded with well-intentioned but often over-simplified, or inapplicable advice on how to be happy. And despite all the advice that’s out there, a rising mental health crisis persists worldwide. We need to understand what makes us happy and learn new ways to support each other as we grow.

Join the community

Join our community to further your progress

Happiness isn't an individual pursuit, it's a shared experience that can build stronger communities and a better world. Learning and growing with others is more fun (hello dopamine, cannabinoids, and opioids!) And when we enjoy something, we’re more likely to keep doing it. Together we can:

  • Deepen our understanding of how the brain experiences happiness

  • Use that knowledge to build new practices and change habits

  • Share our experiences of putting learnings into action

  • Identify gaps or unhelpful patterns we might not see on our own

  • Help each other stay committed to staying happy

And create good moments around the world!

Memories are happening everywhere.

total memories
combined matter score

So let's pursue collective progress

When we come together, we create something greater than the sum of our individual efforts. By building new connections — both neural and social — we can redefine what success looks like, together.

United by a shared purpose, we gain the strength to reimagine our future and build a world where well-being is not just a personal aspiration but a collective reality. Together, we can create lasting change, for ourselves and for the generations to come.

Join the community